Bulletin Board

Please refer to the

Bulletin Board 

on the Website Main Page



Welcome to the Hawaii Aloha Chapter of MOAA!



The Fisher House Tour Group 

and the presentation of our donation

Click Here for the larger photos 

 Bulletin Board

July 2024 Newsletter

   Click Here

July 4th Celebration


July 26th Luncheon

with AARP Guest Speaker

Reservation Form

Golf Shirts with the new Hawaii-Aloha Chapter Logo

Ordering Info - Click Here

Chapter Aloha Shirts with the new Hawaii-Aloha Logo

Ordering Info - Click Here


Why MOAA? Watch the Video


The National MOAA and the Hawaii Aloha Chapters are non-partisan

MOAA's online legislature

Take Action Center http://takeaction.moaa.org


Notice to Current Members:

 We need your help recruiting new members. 
Print out this form and narrative to assist you:

Click Here

Scholarship Donation

Community Services Donation

Our Chapter's Newsletter Survivor's Checklist

May2024 Nā Leo O Nā Koa


Archived editions of our Newsletters 

since March 2001 @ Newsletter_Archive




MOAA 2024

 Golf Schedule













The chapter's current by-laws became 

effective 18 February 2021: 


Click on  Bylaws-Hawaii  Chapter MOAA


This page was last updated on 07/03/24 09:32
If you have any MOAA-Hawaii chapter questions email us by clicking here:  info@moaa-hawaii.org
 If you have any web corrections, comments or questions click:  admin@moaa-hawaii.org
  Email webmaster by clicking here: Bob Ranaldo