Bulletin Board

Please refer to the

Bulletin Board 

on the Website Main Page



MOAA National



Officers & Committee Chairs


President: Fred Staedel, USAF For Questions Please Click Here
Vice President Mike Fricano, USAF For Questions Please Click Here
Secretary: Roberta Sullivan, Surviving USN Spouse For Questions Please Click Here
Treasurer: John Kim, USAF For Questions Please Click Here

Committee Chairs & Activities

Chaplain:           Fred Staedel, USAF For Questions Please Click Here
Surviving Spouses: Vacant
Community Affairs: John Ma, USA For Questions Please Click Here
JROTC/ROTC:   Toni Correia,  USA For Questions Please Click Here
Legislative Liaison: Robert Lee,  USA For Questions Please Click Here
Membership: Mark Webster, USN For Questions Please Click Here
Membership Deputy Kathleen Ebey, Surviving USN Spouse For Questions Please Click Here
Personal Affairs:   Lou Crompton, USAF For Questions Please Click Here
Programs: Michael Fricano, USAF For Questions Please Click Here
Publications / PR: Mark Webster, USN For Questions Please Click Here
Veterans Affairs: Vacant     

Activity Committees (Ex-officio - non-voting)

Golf: Leslie Bise, USA For Questions Please Click Here

Bob Ranaldo

(Civilian Volunteer)


Scholarship Fund Trustees

John Ma, USA 

For Questions Please Click Here

This page was last updated on 03/30/23 16:44
If you have any MOAA-Hawaii chapter questions email us by clicking here:  info@moaa-hawaii.org
 If you have any web corrections, comments or questions click:  admin@moaa-hawaii.org
  Email webmaster by clicking here: Bob Ranaldo